Family owned and operated for over 42 years.
Frequently Asked Questions

Heating Emergency
How quickly can you respond to a heating system failure?

Heating Emergency
The certified technicians at Lavoie Heating Service can respond immediately to heating failure calls. Emergency replacement can be done sometimes on the same day.

Heating System Failure
What should I do in the event my heating system fails?

Heating System Failure
The first step is to completely shut off the offending heating system by turning off the gas supply and inlet valves to prevent damage to your home. Then we can determine the best course of action for a replacement. We can provide you with advice on advantages and disadvantage of all options for your home.

Boiler Failure
What are the signs that my boiler may be ready to fail?

Boiler Failure
- Consider its age. Most units last an average of 15 years (cast iron boilers can last much longer 20-30years).
- Low AFUE Rating. A boiler’s efficiency is measured by its annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE). This rating lets consumers know how well the boiler heats the home over a course of one year, which depends on how efficiently the energy gets converted into fuel.
- Your energy bill is going up. Along with age, a decline in your unit’s efficiency could suggest it’s struggling to perform. Consider replacing because the increased efficiency will offset the price of a new system.
- Multiple failures. If you’ve had a number of service calls due to your unit’s failure, it might be time to replace. Most boilers should be fine with annual inspections. Anything more than that could indicate additional issues.
- Black soot on your oil boiler or yellow flames (vs blue) on gas burners indicate that the fuel is not burning correctly. Check your carbon monoxide detectors and then call to get a quote to replace your unit.
- If your boiler is leaking, it may be on its way out. Boilers generally leak water when the valve or seal is broken. Most show up as wet spots around the boiler or possibly even rust on the surface of your boiler. Replacing the system could help you to avoid expensive flood damage.
- Unpredictable temperatures. Too hot or too cold? It could be the unit’s control mechanism or a sign that your unit is on its way out.
Best be safe and contact us to schedule an appointment to come check out your system and provide a free quote for a new system. The HVAC professionals at Lavoie Heating Service can help you find a boiler that fits all of your household needs.

DIY Repairs
Are there some repairs to my heating system that i should not attempt on my own?

DIY Repairs
Issues never to fix yourself. There are several issues that you should never consider touching yourself. While relighting your pilot light may be fine in most cases, these DIY fixes should be avoided.
“We look forward to working with you to meet all your HVAC needs.”